These are the main services we offer:
- Internet Consulting
- Web Design & Web Programming
- Content & Knowledge Management Solutions
- Customization (and optional hosting) of open source software: WordPress, Joomla, Drupal
- Search Engine Optimization
- Web Site Optimization and Standard Compliance
- Copy Writing & Editing
- Translations
- Miscellaneous
Internet Consulting & Management
We are a consulting company, specializing in Internet related projects. We can give you advice on your Internet Communication Strategies. We will help you identify your target audiences, as well as define, refine, and present your message. We also offer management services. These include opportunity analysis, feasibility analysis, ROI, SWOT-analysis, etc.

Is your web site not mobile-friendly? We can guide you through the process of making your site accessible to all commonly used devices.
We can assist you in any Internet related project, great or small, and will guide you through the different steps, from analysis and planning, to setup, configuration, implementation (including Project Management), and maintenance.
Web Design & Web Programming
We have been involved in web design and web programming since 1991. Web programming is typically done in-house, while the graphic design is either done in-house or by third party professional designers. (A number of clients already had designers they had worked with to create a corporate identity for them, e.g.).
We handle all web sites, great and small: our portfolio ranges from web sites with less than a dozen pages to web sites with several thousands of files. We strive to create State of the Art web sites, that remain affordable. All newly developed sites are mobile-friendly. We are up to speed with HTML5, progressive enhancement, responsive web designs, etc. Having been in this business for decades, we have developed solutions to speed up the process, resulting in lower cost for you.

custom application development.
Apart from web design and programming, we also offer copy writing services for your web site.
Content and Knowledge Management Solutions
Many of our current projects focus on content management solutions (CMS) and knowledge management solutions (KMS). Based upon the needs of the client, the available budget and infrastructure, these solutions were either custom built, or consisted of customizations of existing packages like Joomla or Drupal.

of representing knowledge.
In an economy that is more and more knowledge-driven, the value of knowledge and expertise as a resource is ever increasing. Knowledge management becomes essential to the effective functioning of your organization, and may be vital to give you a competitive advantage. At Lamiroy Consulting, we've had decades of experience in knowledge modelling, knowledge representation, knowledge engineering, knowledge storage, retrieval and transfer solutions.
For an example, look at the success story of the Exopaedia.
Customization of open source software (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal)
In 2016, the success of Open Source Content Management Systems is unprecedented: one quarter of the web sites on the web are WordPress sites, more than 50 million web sites run on Joomla, and Drupal is good for several millions of sites as well. All of them are excellent packages, which offer a wealth of add-ons to address common requirements.
At Lamiroy Consulting, we have been using them, for ourselves and for our costumers, for well over a decade. We'll gladly configure and fine-tune them to meet your needs, and add that distinctive touch that sets your site apart from the others.

than one quarter of the web sites
on the Internet.
We also offer value added hosting services for WordPress and Joomla web sites, where we take care of the software updates and make regular backups.
Search Engine Optimization
You may have a decent web site, but what good is it if nobody ever reads it? Being found by search engines, and scoring a good ranking in them may be vital to your success.

Search Engine Optimization is an art in itself, which is constantly evolving. Methods that were sufficient in the past may by now be outdated.
As of May 2015, factors that have an effect on your ranking include, e.g., whether your site is mobile-friendly, or accessible via https; whether there is a site map, a disclaimer and a privacy statement!
Web Site Optimization and Standard-Compliance...
There is more involved in having a good web site than just lumping pages together. There are standards and 'best practices' to be followed. There may even be legal requirements, e.g., with regard to the accessibility of your web site. Images have to load fast. Navigation has to be intuitive and effective. Information has to be well-structured so it can easily be found. Extra information may have to be inserted in a page if it is shared on Social Media... We can turn a good or decent web site into a great one!
And, as mentioned above, we are familiar with all the latest web standards.
Copy Writing / Editing
I have written and copy edited texts, in both Dutch and English:
- Three non-fiction books - one as co-author, two as ghost writer
- Software manuals
- Courses
- Content / Articles for multiple web sites
- I've been an editor in 3 different magazines; in two of them as Editor in Chief
I do translations between English, Dutch and French. Among the items I have translated, you will find:
- Software user interface (from Dutch to both English and French)
- A novel (Fiction - from Dutch to English)
- Business letters & Contracts (from Dutch to English, and vice versa)
- Web sites and web site articles.
Other activities Lamiroy Consulting has been involved in, upon customers' demands, include:
- Expert advice & assistance for (legal) IT projects
- Development of software
- Computer / software training
- Creation of templates for mailmerges, etc.